The installation of a fire alarm system cannot provide a 100% guarantee of complete safety. You need to make sure that the system is under round the clock control of professionals. Timely maintenance of public address systems is the basis for uninterrupted functioning of fire alarm systems, which means ensuring human health and life and preservation of material assets.
The main task of such servicing is to maintain its full functionality under any conditions and regardless of external factors. The main condition of servicing is regularity of preventive measures; it will help to eliminate unforeseen emergencies and failure of alarm systems. Each element of the system is equipped with a complex mechanism, so it is extremely important to maintain all components of the system in proper working order as it directly affects the level of fire safety.
Fire alarm servicing is a licensed type of activity and cannot be performed by random people. The complex of technical preventive and repair work can be performed only by appropriately trained and experienced professionals.

Maintenance of the systems consists of the following main points:
- Regular monitoring of electrical appliances functionality.
- Timely detection and repair of breakages.
- Calibrating schedule control.
- Measures to minimize faulty actuations of the system.
A service contract is concluded between the initiating company and the company providing such services for complex maintenance of alarm systems. The latter companies may include:
- companies-manufacturers of devices separately or systems in general;
- organizations involved in installation work and which have installed the system;
- certified and licensed operating companies.
All works performed by any of the above listed organizations are strictly regulated on the basis of specialized standards, laws and specially developed safety instructions. The main information of the service contract is frequency of certain activities performing. Any operation performed by an authorized specialist is necessarily recorded in a special journal.
According to the period of work execution all works are divided into the following groups:
- Daily.
- Monthly.
- Complex measurement works.
Daily routine maintenance is carried out directly by the employees of operational services of the enterprise and consists in a visual inspection of the main instruments. They include peripheral sensors, control panels, power and data transmission systems, emergency power system. The integrity of all seals, the functionality of light indicators, knife switches and switches are checked.
Complex of monthly measures as per procedures includes checking of the main and standby power supply system, functionality of all mechanisms responsible for switching of power supply between all sources. The diagnostics of each individual device, namely, control and transmitting devices, sensors, loudspeakers and sirens of the system is made. It is necessary to measure the loops, in case of zoning all devices within the zones and boundaries are tested.

All preventive works directly depend on the characteristics and configuration of the fire alarm system, but more rarely than once a quarter. The work on measuring of insulation parameters is carried out by specialists once every three years.
Measuring work provides determination of operating conditions of any device. The startups of testing activation, which show the level of efficiency, are carried out.
When concluding a service contract, the order of work is specified in accordance with the Procedure No. 1 or Procedure No. 2 for scheduled, unscheduled and corrective maintenance.
Procedure No. 1 includes the following works:
- visual inspection, check of functionality of each element and the general system;
- elimination of detected breakages and malfunctions;
- adjustment of the devices;
- cleaning of fire detectors
- checking of the capacitive standby power supply;
Procedure No. 2 contains a list of works under Procedure No. 1, as well as all measures of a schedule preventive nature, testing of technical means for resistance to interferences. The frequency of work is at least once a quarter.
If there are any precedents of repeated false alarms through the fault of the system, urgent unscheduled works are carried out.
Concluding a contract with a company that renders services for maintenance of fire alarm systems it is important to choose a reliable organization. Arguments in favor of choosing a firm can be the following:
- Mandatory licensing of services rendered.
- Timeliness and reliability.
- 24-hour customer accessibility.
- Rapid response to extraordinary situations.
- Level of professionalism of the team of specialists.
- Flexible and fair pricing policy.
- Availability of an arsenal of necessary equipment.
The list of works
| Frequency of maintenance by operation service of the facility
| Frequency of maintenance by specialized organizations
Visual inspection of the system components (fire alarm control panel, detectors, annunciators, alarm loop) for absence of mechanical damages, corrosion, dirt, holding strength, etc.
| daily
| monthly
Checking of fully connected position of the switches and breakers, the serviceability of light indication, the presence of seals on fire alarm control panel
| daily
| monthly
Monitoring of the main and standby power sources and checking of automatic power switching from working input to the standby input
| weekly
| monthly
Functional check of the system components (fire alarm control panel, detectors, annunciators, measurement of the alarm loop parameters, etc.)
| weekly
| monthly
Preventive maintenance
| weekly
| monthly
Functional check of the system
| weekly
| monthly
Metrological check of instrumentation
| annually
| annually
Measurement of protective and working grounding resistance
| annually
| annually
Measurement of electrical circuits insulation resistance
| once every 3 years
| once every 3 years
The list of works
| Frequency of maintenance by operation service of the facility
| Frequency of maintenance by specialized organizations
Visual inspection of the system components (technological part - pipelines, sprinklers, back-pressure valves, measuring devices, shut-off valves, pressure gauges, pneumatic tank, pumps, etc., electrical parts - electrical cabinets, electrical motors, etc.), for damages, corrosion, dirt, leaks; holding strength, the presence of seals, etc.
| daily
| monthly
Control of pressure, water level, operative position of shut-off valves, etc.
| daily
| monthly
Monitoring of the main and standby power sources and checking of automatic power switching from working input to the standby input and back
| daily
| monthly
Control of the foaming agent (foam-forming solution) quality for expansion ratio and foam consistency
| daily
| monthly
Mixing of foam-forming solution
| daily
| monthly
Functional check of the system components (technological part, electrical part and alarm part)
| daily
| monthly
Preventive maintenance
| monthly
| once every quarter
Functional check of the system in manual (local, remote) and automatic modes
| monthly
| once every quarter
Pipeline flushing and water change in system and tanks
| annually
| annually
Metrological check of instrumentation
| annually
| annually
Measurement of protective and working grounding resistance
| annually
| annually
Measurement of electrical circuits insulation resistance
| once every 3 years
| once every 3 years
Hydraulic and pneumatic testing of pipelines for tightness and strength
| once every 3.5 years
| once every 3.5 years
Technical examination of the system components operating under pressure
| According to the standards of the State Committee for Supervision of Industrial and Mining Practices
| According to the standards of the State Committee for Supervision of Industrial and Mining Practices
The list of works
| Frequency of maintenance by operation service of the facility
| Frequency of maintenance by specialized organizations
Visual inspection of the system components (technological part - pipelines, sprinklers, shut-off valves, cylinders with fire extinguishing agent and compressed air, pressure gauges, switchgears, etc.; Electrical part - electrical cabinets, compressor, etc.; alarm part - fire alarm control panel, alarm loop, detectors, annunciators, etc.) for mechanical damages, dirt, holding strength, the presence of seals, etc.
| daily
| monthly
Control of operative position of shut-off valves, pressure in activated network and starting cylinders, etc.
| daily
| monthly
Monitoring of the main and standby power sources and checking of automatic power switching from working input to the standby input and back
| weekly
| monthly
Control of fire extinguishant quality
| monthly
| monthly
Functional check of the system components (technological part, electrical part and alarm part)
| monthly
| monthly
Preventive maintenance
| monthly
| monthly
Functional check of the system in manual (local, remote) and automatic modes
| monthly
| once every quarter
Metrological check of instrumentation
| annually
| annually
Measurement of protective and working grounding resistance
| annually
| annually
Measurement of electrical circuits insulation resistance
| once every 3 years
| once every 3 years
Hydraulic and pneumatic testing of pipelines for tightness and strength
| once every 3.5 years
| once every 3.5 years
Technical examination of the system components operating under pressure
| According to the standards of the State Committee for Supervision of Industrial and Mining Practices
| According to the standards of the State Committee for Supervision of Industrial and Mining Practices
The list of works
| Frequency of maintenance by operation service of the facility
| Frequency of maintenance by specialized organizations
Visual inspection of the system components (electrical part - remote control panel, electric panel, floor valve, local control panel, executive devices, fans, pumps, etc .; alarm part - fire alarm control panel, alarm loop, detectors, annunciators, etc.) for damages, corrosion, dirt, holding strength, the presence of seals, etc.
| daily
| monthly
Checking of fully connected position of the switches and breakers, light indication, etc.
| daily
| monthly
Monitoring of the main and standby power sources and checking of automatic power switching from working input to the standby input and back
| weekly
| monthly
Functional check of the system components (technological part, alarm part)
| weekly
| monthly
Functional check of the system in manual (local, remote) and automatic modes
| weekly
| monthly
Metrological check of instrumentation
| annually
| annually
Measurement of protective and working grounding resistance
| annually
| annually
Measurement of electrical circuits insulation resistance
| once every 3 years
| once every 3 years